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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Battle of Yorktown (Do we win the last battle?)

This is it! The last battle has come! George Washington had been preparing his solider for a very long time just for this battle. This battle determines which side (Patriot or British) will win over each other. However, Washington had a secret weapons, their allies, the French!  They had been put together for freedom and to kick the British rump!! On the day of October,17th,1781  they waited had on 5,500 french soldiers, but then received contact that the French had headed the wrong way. Washington let it be and they had followed. Then the Battle had started the French had created a block so the British wasn't able to escape from there DOOM! AMAZING right? In the end the Patriots flag was standing! And the British had lost! The Patriots had received there freedom which they had longed for since the beginning! This is what created the war and now its all over!!! This resulted in the Treaty of Paris

It has been 329 years since then and America has come along way with the economy and life style! Now we have our freedom!!!!!!WAHOOO

Here's a link!

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